1. 提示符中显示用户名,主机名和当前工作目录


  • \u – 用户名
  • \h – 主机名
  • \w – 当前工作目录的绝对路径
-bash-3.2$ export PS1="\u@\h \w> "
ramesh@dev-db ~> cd /etc/mail
ramesh@dev-db /etc/mail>

2. 提示符中显示当前时间


ramesh@dev-db ~> export PS1="\u@\h [\$(date +%k:%M:%S)]> "
ramesh@dev-db [11:09:56]>


ramesh@dev-db ~> export PS1="\u@\h [\t]> "
ramesh@dev-db [12:42:55]>

你也可以像下面的示例一样使用\@ 以12小时am/pm格式显示当前时间

ramesh@dev-db ~> export PS1="[\@] \u@\h> "
[04:12 PM] ramesh@dev-db>

3. 在提示符中显示任一linux指令输出


  • \!: 显示历史指令记录数
  • \h: 主机名
  • $kernel_version:  uname -r 指令的输出
  • \$?: 上一条指令的状态
ramesh@dev-db ~> kernel_version=$(uname -r)
ramesh@dev-db ~> export PS1="\!|\h|$kernel_version|\$?> "

4. 更改提示符的前景色

Display prompt in blue color, along with username, host and current directory information


$ export PS1="\e[0;34m\u@\h \w> \e[m" [Note: This is for light blue prompt]  $ export PS1="\e[1;34m\u@\h \w> \e[m" [Note: This is for dark blue prompt]
  • \e[ - 提示符颜色的开始处
  • x;ym - 颜色值., 使用下面提到的数值
  • \e[m - 提示符颜色的结束处

Color Code Table:

Black 0;30 Blue 0;34 Green 0;32 Cyan 0;36 Red 0;31 Purple 0;35 Brown 0;33 [Note: Replace 0 with 1 for dark color]


export PS1="$STARTCOLOR\u@\h \w> $ENDCOLOR"

5. 更改提示符背景色

Change the background color by specifying \e[{code}m in the PS1 prompt as shown below.

想下面的例子一样在PS1中指定\e[{code}m 的值以更改背景色

$ export PS1="\e[47m\u@\h \w> \e[m"
 [Note: This is for Light Gray background]


export PS1="\e[0;34m\e[47m\u@\h \w> \e[m"
 [Note: This is for Light Blue foreground and Light Gray background]




  • \e[40m
  • \e[41m
  • \e[42m
  • \e[43m
  • \e[44m
  • \e[45m
  • \e[46m
  • \e[47m

6. 在提示符中显示混合色


function prompt {   local BLUE="\[\033[0;34m\]"   local DARK_BLUE="\[\033[1;34m\]"   local RED="\[\033[0;31m\]"   local DARK_RED="\[\033[1;31m\]"   local NO_COLOR="\[\033[0m\]"   case $TERM in     xterm*|rxvt*)       TITLEBAR='\[\033]0;\u@\h:\w\007\]'       ;;     *)       TITLEBAR=""       ;;   esac   PS1="\u@\h [\t]> "   PS1="${TITLEBAR}\   $BLUE\u@\h $RED[\t]>$NO_COLOR "   PS2='continue-> '   PS4='$0.$LINENO+ ' }

你可以重新登陆使修改生效,或者像下面一样source .bash_profile

$. ./.bash_profile $ prompt ramesh@dev-db [13:02:13]>

7. 用tput更改提示符颜色


$ export PS1="\[$(tput bold)$(tput setb 4)$(tput setaf 7)\]\u@\h:\w $ \[$(tput sgr0)\]"

tput Color Capabilities:

  • tput setab [1-7] - Set a background color using ANSI escape
  • tput setb [1-7] - Set a background color
  • tput setaf [1-7] - Set a foreground color using ANSI escape
  • tput setf [1-7] - Set a foreground color

tput Text Mode Capabilities:

  • tput bold - Set bold mode
  • tput dim - turn on half-bright mode
  • tput smul - begin underline mode
  • tput rmul - exit underline mode
  • tput rev - Turn on reverse mode
  • tput smso - Enter standout mode (bold on rxvt)
  • tput rmso - Exit standout mode
  • tput sgr0 - Turn off all attributes

Color Code for tput:

  • 0 - Black
  • 1 - Red
  • 2 - Green
  • 3 - Yellow
  • 4 - Blue
  • 5 - Magenta
  • 6 - Cyan
  • 7 - White

8. 使用下面的PS1变量可用代码制作个性化的提示符

  • \a an ASCII bell character (07)
  • \d the date in "Weekday Month Date" format (e.g., "Tue May 26")
  • \D{format} - the format is passed to strftime(3) and the result is inserted into the prompt string; an empty format results in a locale-specific time representation. The braces are required
  • \e an ASCII escape character (033)
  • \h the hostname up to the first part
  • \H the hostname
  • \j the number of jobs currently managed by the shell
  • \l the basename of the shell's terminal device name
  • \n newline
  • \r carriage return
  • \s the name of the shell, the basename of $0 (the portion following the final slash)
  • \t the current time in 24-hour HH:MM:SS format
  • \T the current time in 12-hour HH:MM:SS format
  • \@ the current time in 12-hour am/pm format
  • \A the current time in 24-hour HH:MM format
  • \u the username of the current user
  • \v the version of bash (e.g., 2.00)
  • \V the release of bash, version + patch level (e.g., 2.00.0)
  • \w the current working directory, with $HOME abbreviated with a tilde
  • \W the basename of the current working directory, with $HOME abbreviated with a tilde
  • \! the history number of this command
  • \# the command number of this command
  • \$ if the effective UID is 0, a #, otherwise a $
  • \nnn the character corresponding to the octal number nnn
  • \\ a backslash
  • \[ begin a sequence of non-printing characters, which could be used to embed a terminal control sequence into the prompt
  • \] end a sequence of non-printing character

9. 在PS1变量中使用bash shell函数

你也可以在PS1中像下面一样调用一个bash shell函数

ramesh@dev-db ~> function httpdcount { >  ps aux | grep httpd | grep -v grep | wc -l > }  ramesh@dev-db ~> export PS1="\u@\h [`httpdcount`]> " ramesh@dev-db [12]> [Note: This displays the total number of running httpd processes]


function httpdcount {   ps aux | grep httpd | grep -v grep | wc -l } export PS1='\u@\h [`httpdcount`]> '

10. 在PS1变量中使用shell脚本


ramesh@dev-db ~> cat ~/bin/totalfilesize.sh
for filesize in $(ls -l . | grep "^-" | awk '{print $5}')
let totalsize=$totalsize+$filesize
echo -n "$totalsize"
ramesh@dev-db ~> export PATH=$PATH:~/bin
ramesh@dev-db ~> export PS1="\u@\h [\$(totalfilesize.sh) bytes]> "
ramesh@dev-db [534 bytes]> cd /etc/mail
ramesh@dev-db [167997 bytes]>
11. IP地址示例

my_ip=$(/sbin/ip addr show dev eth1 | perl -ne '/inet ([\d.]+)/ && print $1')
export PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;$my_ip\007"'
export PS1="\[\e[1;36m\][\H]\[\e[31;1m\]\u\[\e[0m\]@\[\e[32;1m\]$my_ip\[\e[0m\]:\[\e[35;1m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\\$ "

android是如何 DNS解析

[不指定 2014/02/10 13:22 | by ipaddr ]

通过ubuntu等Linux系统都是通过resolve.conf文件进行域名解析的,通过man resolve.conf可以查看到:

The  resolver is a set of routines in the C library that provide access to the Internet Domain Name System (DNS).  The  resolver  configuration file  contains  information  that  is read by the resolver routines the first time they are invoked by a process.  The file is designed  to  be human readable and contains a list of keywords with values that provide various types of resolver information. If this file doesn't exist the only name server to be queried  will  be       on  the  local machine; the domain name is determined from the hostname and the domain search path is constructed from the domain name.


DNS resolver:
 Bionic uses a NetBSD-derived resolver library which has been modified in the following ways:
    - don't implement the name-server-switch feature (a.k.a. <nsswitch.h>)
    - read /system/etc/resolv.conf instead of /etc/resolv.conf
    - read the list of servers from system properties. the code looks for 'net.dns1', 'net.dns2', etc.. Each property should contain the IP address of a DNS server.
      these properties are set/modified by other parts of the Android system (e.g. the dhcpd daemon).
      the implementation also supports per-process DNS server list, using the properties 'net.dns1.<pid>', 'net.dns2.<pid>', etc... Where <pid> stands for the numerical ID of the current process.
    - when performing a query, use a properly randomized Query ID (instead of a incremented one), for increased security.
    - when performing a query, bind the local client socket to a random port for increased security.
    - get rid of *many* unfortunate thread-safety issues in the original code
 Bionic does *not* expose implementation details of its DNS resolver; the content of <arpa/nameser.h> is intentionally blank. The resolver implementation might change completely in the future.


通过adb shell中通过getprop查看属性,确实有net.dns1、net.dns2以及wifi中的net.tiwlan0.dns1以及 net.tiwlan0.dns2,移动网络中的net.rmnet0.dns1以及net.rmnet0.dns2等属性。
(tomzhou注:经测试,系统主要使用net.dns1, net.dns2两个配置进行解析,wifi & 3g网络在启用时,都会调用相关脚本设置这两个属性,同时还会修改net.change, net.dnschange等属性)。








英文链接: Linux: What are some time-saving tips that every Linux user should know?

  翻译: 伯乐在线 高磊

  有网友在问答网站Quora上提问:“有哪些省时小技巧,是每个Linux用户都应该知道的?” Joshua Levy 平常就在 Linux 平台工作,并且他积累了不少实用命令行技巧,他在回复中精选出一部分。对技术用户来说,这些技巧挺重要或实用,但知道的人并不多。下文略有点长,一般来说,用户也不需要对全部内容都了解,但为了达到省时方便的目的,Joshua Levy  仍不遗余力做了校对,以保证列出的每一条都值得一读,前提是你是一位Linux重度用户。

  为了获取文中提到的一个命令的更多信息,先试下“man <命令名称>”,在一些情况下,为了让这条命令可以正常执行,你必须安装相应的包,可以用aptitude 或者 yum。如果失败了,求助Google。


  • 学习基础的Bash。事实上,读整个的bash的帮助手册;很容易理解而且篇幅也不算长。其他一些可选的shell外观可能更漂亮,但是bash功能很强大而且总是能用(主要学习zsh或者tcsh在很多情况下你会收到限制)。
  • 学习vim,对于Linux下的随机编辑,几乎没有工具能出其右(即使你大部分的时间里都在使用Emacs或者Eclipse)。
  • 了解ssh,以及跳过每次登陆时密码验证的基础办法,通过ssh-agent,ssh-add等命令。
  • 熟悉bash下的工作管理: &,Ctrl-Z,Ctrl-C,jobs,fg,bg,kill, 等等。
  • 基础的文件管理:ls 以及 ls -l (特别的,学习”ls -l”中列出的每一列字段的含义),less,head,tail,tail -f,ln,ln -s (学习软链接和硬链接的区别),chown,chmod,du(快速了解磁盘总体占用情况),df,mount。
  • 基础的网络管理命令:ip 或者 ifconfig,dig。
  • 了解正则表达式,以及grep、egrep的不同命令选项,-0,-A,-B 都值得了解一下。
  • 学习使用apt-get 或者 yum(取决于你的发行包)来找到并安装你需要的包.


  • 使用bash时,用Ctrl-R来搜索命令的历史记录。
  • 使用bash时,用Ctrl-W来清除最后一个单词,使用Ctrl-U来清除整行。可以查看man readline来获取bash里面默认键的绑定设置。内容很多。比如Alt-.(注:点)遍历之前命令中使用过的参数,Alt-* 扩展了参数的匹配模式。
  • 回到上次的工作目录:cd -。
  • 如果你的命令敲到一半时改变了主意,可以用Alt-#来在命令前面增加一个#,使之成为一行注释(或者使用Ctrl-A回到命令开头,然后再键入#)。你可以之后再通过搜索历史记录回来。
  • 使用xargs(或者parallel)。它非常强大。注意你能控制每一行(-L)执行多少项,也能控制如何并发(- P)。如果你不太确定它会如你所愿的工作,先使用xargs。 再者,-l{} 很有用。例如:
    find . -name \*.py | xargs grep some_function
  • cat hosts | xargs -l{} ssh root@{} hostname
  • pstree -p 可以很方便的显示整个进程树。
  • 使用pgrep 和pkill 来通过名字来发现进程或者给进程发信号(-f选项会有用)。
  • 了解你能向进程发送的信号种类。比如,要挂起一个进程,使用kill -STOP [进程ID]。要了解整个列表,请参考man 7 signal。
  • 如果你想让一个后台进程一直运行,使用nohup or disown 。
  • 通过netstat -lntp 来检测哪些进程在监听。同样可以用lsof。
  • bash脚本中,使用set -x 来调试输出。使用set -e在有错误时终止时终止执行。要想严格输出错误,可以考虑使用set -o pipefail(虽然这个主题说起来有些复杂)。对于更复杂的脚本,也可以使用trap。
  • bash脚本中,子shell(通过写在括号里)是一种组织命令的方便的方法。一个很常见的例子是暂时移动到另外一个工作目录,例如:
    #在当前目录下做一些事情 (cd /一些/另外的/目录;执行别的操作) #继续在原来的目录下执行
  • 要注意bash中有很多种变量表达式。检查一个变量是否存在:${name:?错误信息}。例如:如果一个bash脚本需要一个单变量,只需要写input_file=${1:?usage: $0 inpute_file}。数值扩展:i=$({(i+1)%5})。序列:{1..10}。字符串的整理:${var%suffix} 和${var#prefix}。例如:
    if var==foo.pdf, then echo ${var%.pdf}.txt   #会打印"foo.txt"
  • 通过 <(其他指令),一条命令的输出可以被当作是一个文件的内容来对待。 例如,比较本地和远程的 /etc/hosts 文件,可以用diff /etc/hosts <(ssh [远程主机] cat /etc/hosts)。
  • 了解bash中的“here documents”,比如 cat <<EOF …
  • bash中,通过 其他指令 > 日志文件 2>&1  把标准输出以及标准错误重定向。常见的情况是,为了保证一条指令没有为标准输入留下一个打开的文件描述符,从而输出至你当前所在的终端,增加“</dev/null” 也是好的习惯。
  • 用man ascii可以得到一个完整的ASCII表,有对应的16进制和10进制的值。
  • 通过ssh连接远程终端时,使用screen或者dtach 来保持你的session,防止被打断。在ssh中,了解如何使用-L或者-D选项(有时也会用到-R)会很有用处,比如,如果通过从一个远程的服务器访问一个网页。
  • 优化你的SSH选项也可能管用。比如,下面的.ssh/config 内容在一些网络环境下可以防止连接掉线,当连接到新主机时不需要再次确认,跳转验证,并且还使用了压缩(对在一些低宽带的连接环境下使用scp时会有帮助)。
  • ServerAliveInterval=15
  • ServerAliveCountMax=6
  • StrictHostKeyChecking=no
  • Compression=yes
  • ForwardAgent=yes


  • 把HTML转成文本:lynx -dump 标准输入
  • 如果要处理XML,xmlstarlet会很棒。
  • 对于Amazon S3,s3cmd 很方便(虽然还不太成熟,可能会有一些不太好的特性)。
  • 了解sort 以及 uniq(包括uniq的 -u 以及 -d 选项)。
  • 了解cut,paste,join 来操作文本文件。许多人使用cut但却忘了还有join。
  • 当你要在文件之间做集合的加,减,以及差运算时,用sort/uniq是非常方便的。假如a和b是两个已经去重的文本文件,那么运算起来会很快,而且可以在任意大小的文件之间执行操作,甚至可以到GB字节大小。(sort不受内存限制,不过如果/tmp 在一个很小的root分区的话,你可能需要使用-T选项)
    cat a b | sort | uniq > c   # c is a union b
  • cat a b | sort | uniq -d > c   # c is a intersect b
  • cat a b b | sort | uniq -u > c   # c is set difference a - b
  • 了解本地化会影响到许多命令行的工作,包括排序的顺序和性能。多数的linux安装包会把LANG或者其他一些本地化的变量设置为类似美国英语的一个本地设置。这会让sort和其他一些命令运行起来慢很多。(注意即使你使用UTF-8编码的文本,你仍然可以放心的通过ASCII码的顺序来排序,这一点用处很多)为避免i18n拖慢日常的工作,使用传统的基于字节的排序顺序,使用export LC_ALL=C(实际上,考虑在你的.bashrc里加进去)。
  • 了解基本的AWK和sed命令来做简单的数据处理。例如:对一个文本文件的第三列的数字求和:awk ‘{x += $3} END {print x}’。 这大概比同等的python速度要快三倍并且代码长度也会简短3倍。
  • 就地替换一个字符串在所有文件里所有出现的地方。
    perl -pi.bak -e 's/old-string/new-string/g' my-files-*.txt
  • 使用shuf来随机打乱一个文件中的行或者选择一个随机的行。
  • 了解sort的各个选项。知道键值是如何工作的。特别是,当你要使用 -k1时,要格外注意:1只对第一个字段排序,-k1则意味着根据整个行排序。
  • 稳定排序(sort  -s)可能会有用。例如,先根据第二个字段排序,再根据第一个字段排序时,你可以使用sort -k1,1 | sort -s -k2,2
  • 如果你需要在bash里的命令行里写入一个tab键的字面值的话,按Ctrl+V, <tab> 或者$‘\t’ (后者更好,因为你可以复制、粘贴)。
  • 对于二进制文件,使用hd来进行简单的导出16进制表示或者用bvi进行二进制的编辑。
  • 对于二进制文件,strings(还有grep等等)可以让你发现文件的字节位(0101).要对文件转编,可以试下iconv,或者如果要使用更高级的用法,试试uconv,它可以支持一些高级的Unicode方面的事情。比如,这条命令可以将重音都小写,并且去掉(通过扩展并且丢掉):
    uconv -f utf-8 -t utf-8 -x '::Any-Lower; ::Any-NFD; [:Nonspacing Mark:] >; ::Any-NFC; ' < input.txt > output.txt
  • 要将文件切片,可以试试split(根据大小切分)或者csplit(根据模式切分)。


  • 对于web调试来说,curl和curl -l会有用,以及和wget相同的那部分功能。
  • 如果想了解磁盘/cpu/网络的状态,可以使用iostat,netstat,top(更好一些的话,用htop),以及(尤其是)dstat,对于想快速了解系统当前正在发生的事情,非常的方便。如果想了解内存当前的状态,可以使用free以及vmstat,还要了解各项输出的含义。特别值得一提的是,你要知道“cached”的数值是linux内核保留用来做文件缓存的空间的大小,所以真正可用的有效内存是“free”项的对应值。
  • java的系统调试则完全是另外一回事,但在Sun以及其他的JVM上有一个简单的技巧,就是你可以运行kill -3 <pid> ,得到一个完整的栈调用轨迹以及堆使用的总体情况(包括产生的垃圾回收细节,这里面包含有很多的信息),会被定向到标准错误或者日志。
  • 使用mtr作为更好的网络追踪,识别网络存在的问题。
  • 要查看一个磁盘是否是满的,ncdu要比一般用的“du -sk *”要快。
  • 要查看哪些socket或者进程在占用带宽,试试iftop或者netlogs。
  • ab 工具(随apache的安装包一起发布)对于检测网络服务器的性能很有帮助,对于更加复杂的压力测试,可以试下siege。对于更加严重的网络问题的调试,试试wireshark或者tshark。了解strace和ltrace。这在一个程序突然失败,挂掉,或者崩溃,而你却不知所措,或者是你想知道程序的整体性能的情况时,会很有帮助。可以注意下-c和-p选项。
  • 了解用ldd来检查共享库函数等的一些问题。
  • 了解如何用gdb连接到一个正在运行的程序,并且得到它的调用堆栈。
  • 使用/proc. 对于现场调试问题会很有帮忙。例如:/proc/cpuinfo, /proc/xxx/cwd, /proc/xxx/exe, /proc/xxx/fd/, /proc/xxx/smaps。
  • 当要调试过去一段时间内出现的问题时,sar 会有用,它可以显示过去一段时间内的CPU,内存,网络的统计信息。
  • 对于更深层次的系统性能优化,可以关注下stap(systemtap)或者perf。
  • 当出现了一些很诡异的问题时,可以试下dmesg(比如硬件或者驱动的问题)。


[不指定 2014/01/13 17:09 | by ipaddr ]

在使用curl做POST的时候, 当要POST的数据大于1024字节的时候, curl并不会直接就发起POST请求, 而是会分为俩步,

  1.  1. 发送一个请求, 包含一个Expect:100-continue, 询问Server使用愿意接受数据
  2.  2. 接收到Server返回的100-continue应答以后, 才把数据POST给Server


具体的RFC相关描述: http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec8.html#sec8.2.3

于是,这样就有了一个问题, 并不是所有的Server都会正确应答100-continue, 比如lighttpd, 就会返回417 “Expectation Failed”, 则会造成逻辑出错,,

要解决的办法也挺容易,改为GET或是 :

  1. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Expect:'));
  2.               // Disable Expect: header (lighttpd does not support it)



NSQ is a realtime distributed messaging platform designed to operate at bitly’s scale, handling billions of messages per day (current peak of 90k+ messages per second).

It promotes distributed and decentralized topologies without single points of failure, enabling fault tolerance and high availability coupled with a reliable message delivery guarantee. See features & guarantees.

Operationally, NSQ is easy to configure and deploy (all parameters are specified on the command line and compiled binaries have no runtime dependencies). For maximum flexibility, it is agnostic to data format (messages can be JSON, MsgPack, go-protobuf, or anything else). Official Go and Python libraries are available out of the box and, if you’re interested in building your own client, there’s a protocol spec (see client libraries).

如果你在访问https网站时用 GoAgent 遇到证书无效问题,请按以下方法解决:


Ubuntu 系统:

打开 Chrome 浏览器
首选项 > 高级选项 > 管理证书…
在 授权中心 导入 GoAgent/local 目录下的 CA.crt 证书
(注意不要导入到 服务器 ,否则不起作用)
在 授权中心 找到 GoAgent CA 并点击 修改…
What is Zabbix

Zabbix is the ultimate open source availability and performance monitoring solution. Zabbix offers advanced monitoring, alerting, and visualization features today which are missing in other monitoring systems, even some of the best commercial ones. Below is a short list of features available in Zabbix:

  • auto-discovery of servers and network devices
  • low-level discovery
  • distributed monitoring with centralized web administration
  • support for both polling and trapping mechanisms
  • server software for Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, OS X
  • native high performance agents (client software for Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, OS X, Tru64/OSF1, Windows NT4.0, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista)
  • agent-less monitoring
  • secure user authentication
  • flexible user permissions
  • web-based interface
  • flexible e-mail notification of predefined events
  • high-level (business) view of monitored resources
  • audit log
Why Choose Zabbix

There are many reasons to choose Zabbix monitoring solution over its competitors. The best way to make sure it is the #1 choice for your organization is to give it a try. But if you have limited time, look at some of the arguments below:

  • an open source solution provides freedom with no "lock in" and security through the availability of source code. This includes not only Zabbix itself, but also components required (Linux, Apache, MySQL/PostgreSQL, PHP)
  • very easy setup and simple configuration process ensures low learning curve and therefore low cost of ownership
  • highly efficient agents for UNIX and Windows (x32, x64,Itanium) based platforms provide wider monitoring capabilities with greater speed
  • centralized monitoring system allows to store all information (configuration and performance data) in relational database for further easier processing and re-use of data
  • built-in rich visualization capabilities allow to work with your data faster and smarter
  • built-in housekeeping procedures allow to keep your data organized well

Learn more about Zabbix on Features page.

使用Nginx做为web服务器时,如果 /abc/是某个目录,访问http://domain.com/abc时,不会添加斜杠,使得此页面一些相对路径的引用会有些问题.


#By 鱼漂(admin.net#163.com)
if ( -d $request_filename) {
 rewrite ^(.*[^/])$ $1/ permanent;


Ubuntu 12.04 – install sun jdk 6-7

[不指定 2012/07/28 10:31 | by ipaddr ]

Ubuntu GNU/Linux 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) released. I wanted to manually install the Sun JDK 6 and 7 on Ubuntu.

Installing Sun JDK 6 on Ubuntu 12.04:

  • Make the bin file executeable:
chmod +x jdk-6u32-linux-x64.bin
  • Extract the bin file:
  • Move extracted folder to this location:
sudo mv jdk1.6.0_32 /usr/lib/jvm/
  • Install new java source in system:
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_32/bin/javac 1 sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_32/bin/java 1 sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javaws javaws /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_32/bin/javaws 1
  • Choose default java:
sudo update-alternatives --config javac sudo update-alternatives --config java sudo update-alternatives --config javaws
  • java version test:
java -version
  • Verify the symlinks all point to the new java location:
ls -la /etc/alternatives/java*
  • Enable Java plugin for Mozilla Firefox (even for Chrome)
#for 64-Bit jdk sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_32/jre/lib/amd64/libnpjp2.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins #for 32-Bit jdk sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_32/jre/lib/i386/libnpjp2.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins

Installing Sun JDK 7 on Ubuntu 12.04:

  • Download the sun jdk 7 tar file from here
  • Extract the tar file:
tar -xvzf jdk-7u4-linux-x64.tar.gz
  • Move extracted folder to this location:
sudo mv jdk1.7.0_04 /usr/lib/jvm/
  • Install new java source in system:
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_04/bin/javac 1 sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_04/bin/java 1 sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javaws javaws /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_04/bin/javaws 1
  • Choose default java:
sudo update-alternatives --config javac sudo update-alternatives --config java sudo update-alternatives --config javaws
  • java version test:
java -version
  • Verify the symlinks all point to the new java location:
ls -la /etc/alternatives/java*
  • Enable Java plugin for Mozilla Firefox (even for Chrome)
#for 64-Bit jdk sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_04/jre/lib/amd64/libnpjp2.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins #for 32-Bit jdk sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_04/jre/lib/i386/libnpjp2.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins

Update: I have added Java Web Start configuration (Thanks Jack).

Update: I have added Java Plugin configuration for Mozilla Firefox even for Chrome (Thanks shetty).

Update: JAVA_HOME configuration: Some tools require JAVA_HOME variable. You can set JAVA_HOME in Ubuntu so simple: Edit the file .bashrc under your home directory and add the following lines: (if .bashrc is hidden click in Nautilus Menu View > Show Hidden Files)

export JAVA_HOME=/path/your/jdk export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

Roundup on Parallel Connections

[不指定 2012/06/28 09:21 | by ipaddr ]

A lot of blogging and follow-up discussion ensued with the announcement that IE8 supports six connections per host. The blogs I saw:

It’s likely that Firefox 3 will support 6 connections per server in an upcoming beta release, which means more discussion is expected. I wanted to pull all the facts into one place and make several points that I think are important and interesting. Specifically I talk about:

  • the HTTP/1.1 RFC
  • settings for current browsers
  • upperbound of open connections (cool!)
  • effect of proxies
  • will this break the Internet?

The HTTP/1.1 RFC

Section 8.1.4 of the HTTP/1.1 RFC says a “single-user client SHOULD NOT maintain more than 2 connections with any server or proxy.” The key here is the word “should.” Web clients don’t have to follow this guideline. IE8 isn’t the first to exceed this guideline. Opera and Safari hold that honor supporting 4 connections per server.

It’s important to understand that this is on a per server basis. Using multiple domain names, such as 1.mydomain.com, 2.mydomain.com, 3.mydomain.com, etc., allows a web developer to achieve a multiple of the per server connection limit. This works even if all the domain names are CNAMEs to the same IP address.

Settings for Current Browsers

The table below shows the number of connections per server supported by current browsers for HTTP/1.1 as well as HTTP/1.0.

IE 6,724
IE 866
Firefox 228
Firefox 366
Safari 3,444
Chrome 1,26?
Chrome 344
Chrome 4+6?
iPhone 24?
iPhone 36?
iPhone 44?
Opera 9.63,10.00alpha44
Opera 10.51+8?

I provide (some of) the settings for HTTP/1.0 in the table above because some of the blog discussions have confused the connections per server settings for HTTP/1.0 with those for HTTP/1.1. HTTP/1.0 does not have persistant connections so a higher number of connections per server is supported to achieve faster performance. For example, IE7 supports 4 connections per server in HTTP/1.0. In fact, AOL intentionally downgrades their responses to HTTP/1.0 to benefit from this increase in parallelization, although they do it at the cost of losing the benefits of persistent connections. They must have data that supports this decision, but I don’t recommend it.

It’s possible to reconfigure your browser to use different limits. How to configure Internet Explorer to have more than two download sessions describes how the MaxConnectionsPerServer and MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server settings in the Windows Registry control the number of connections per hostname for HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/1.0, respectively. In Firefox these values are controlled by the network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server and network.http.max-connections-per-server settings in about:config.

Note that IE8 automatically drops back to 2 connections per server for users on dialup connections. Also, web developers can detect the number of connections per server currently in effect by accessing window.maxConnectionsPerServer and window.maxConnectionsPer1_0Server in JavaScript. These are read-only values.

Upperbound of Open Connections

What’s the maximum number of connections a browser will open?
This is relevant as server adminstrators prepare for spikes from browsers with increased parallelization.

This Max Connections test page contains 180 images split across 30 hostnames. That works out to 6 images per hostname. To determine the upperbound of open connections a browser supports I loaded this page and counted the number of simultaneous requests in a packet sniffer. Firefox 1.5 and 2.0 open a maximum of 24 connections (2 connections per hostname across 12 hostnames). This limit is imposed by Firefox’s network.http.max-connections setting which defaults to a value of 24.

In IE 6,7&8 I wasn’t able to determine the upperbound. At 2 connections per server, IE 6&7 opened 60 connections in parallel. At 6 connections per server, IE8 opened 180 connections in parallel. I’d have to create more domain names than the 30 I already have to try and find where IE maxes out. (If you load this in other browsers please post your results in a comment below and I’ll update this text.)

Effect of Proxies

Note that if you’re behind a proxy (at work, etc.) your download characteristics change. If web clients behind a proxy issued too many simulataneous requests an intelligent web server might interpret that as a DoS attack and block that IP address. Browser developers are aware of this issue and throttle back the number of open connections.

In Firefox the network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy setting has a default value of 4. If you try the Max Connections test page while behind a proxy it loads painfully slowly opening no more than 4 connections at a time to download 180 images. IE8 drops back to 2 connections per server when it’s behind a proxy, so loading the Max Connections test page shows an upperbound of 60 open connections. Keep this in mind if you’re comparing notes with others – if you’re at home and they’re at work you might be seeing different behavior because of a proxy in the middle.

Will This Break the Internet?

Much of the debate in the blog comments has been about how IE8′s increase in the number of connections per server might bring those web servers to their knees. I found the most insightful comments in Mozilla’s Bugzilla discussion about increasing Firefox’s number of connections. In comment #22 Boris Zbarsky lays out a good argument for why this increase will have no effect on most servers. But in comment #23 Mike Hommey points out that persistent connections are kept open for longer than the life of the page request. This last point scares me. As someone who has spent many hours configuring Apache to find the right number of child processes across banks of servers, I’m not sure what impact this will have.

Having said that, I’m please that IE8 has taken this step and I’d be even happier if Firefox followed suit. This change in the client will improve page load times from the user’s perspective. It does put the onus on backend developers to watch closely as IE8 adoption grows to see if it affects their capacity planning. But I’ve always believed that part of the responsibility and joy of being a developer is doing extra work on my side that can improve the experience for thousands or millions of users. This is another opportunity to do just that.

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