Apache Directory Studio

[不指定 2008/10/04 13:20 | by ipaddr ]


A Eclipse based LDAP Browser and Directory client.

Fedora Directory Server

[不指定 2008/09/21 01:31 | by ipaddr ]

The enterprise-class Open Source LDAP server for Linux. It is hardened by real-world use, is full-featured, supports multi-master replication, and already handles many of the largest LDAP deployments in the world. The Fedora Directory Server can be downloaded for free and set up in less than an hour using the graphical console.

Key Features

  • Multi-Master Replication, to provide fault tolerance and high write performance
  • Scalability: thousands of operations per second, tens of thousands of concurrent users, tens of millions of entries, hundreds of gigabytes of data
  • The codebase has been developed and deployed continuously by the same team for more than a decade
  • Extensive documentation, including helpful Installation and Deployment guides
  • Active Directory user and group synchronization
  • Secure authentication and transport (SSLv3, TLSv1, and SASL)
  • Support for LDAPv3
  • On-line, zero downtime, LDAP-based update of schema, configuration, management and in-tree Access Control Information (ACIs)
  • Graphical console for all facets of user, group, and server management

Mandriva Directory Server is an enterprise directory platform based on LDAP designed to manage identities, access control informations, policies, application settings and user profiles.

If you already use Samba, Postfix, Squid or CUPS, you can benefit from MDS today to manage your infrastructure.


LDAP Account Manager

[不指定 2008/09/21 01:27 | by ipaddr ]


LDAP Account Manager (LAM) is a webfrontend for managing accounts stored in an LDAP directory.


  • management of Unix user and group accounts (posixAccount/posixGroup)
  • management of Samba 2.x/3 user and host accounts (sambaAccount/sambaSamAccount)
  • management of Kolab 2 accounts (kolabInetorgPerson)
  • profiles for account creation
  • account creation via file upload
  • automatic creation/deletion of home directories
  • setting quotas
  • PDF output for all accounts
  • editor for organizational units (OU)
  • schema browser
  • tree view
  • multiple configuration files
  • multi-language support (Catalan, Chinese (Traditional + Simplified), Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish)
  • support for LDAP+SSL/TLS

Complete list of supported account types: supported types


[不指定 2008/09/21 01:03 | by ipaddr ]


一、Directory Services(目录服务)能做什么?




When you access Microsoft Outlook Web Access by using Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or a later version of Internet Explorer, you experience one of the following symptoms.

Symptom 1
On a computer that is running Microsoft Windows Vista, you cannot perform any editing tasks that you typically expect to perform. For example, you cannot perform the following tasks:
Compose a new e-mail message
Reply to an e-mail message
Create a new contact, task, note, journal entry, or appointment
Change any configuration in the Outlook Web Access options folder

Additionally, you may receive an error message when you try to perform these tasks.
Symptom 2
On a computer on which you have installed update 912945, you must first click one time in the compose frame in Outlook Web Access before you edit text. For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/912945/) Internet Explorer ActiveX update
Symptom 3 On a computer on which you have installed security update 912812 that is described in security bulletin MS06-013, you must first click one time in the compose frame in Outlook Web Access to activate the edit control.


Symptom 1
This behavior occurs because Windows Vista no longer includes support for the ActiveX control that is used for HTML editing in Outlook Web Access.

Symptom 2
Update 912945 requires that you click one time in an ActiveX control to enable the control in Internet Explorer 6.

Symptom 3
Security update 912812 requires that you click one time in an ActiveX control to enable the control in Internet Explorer 6.


This Microsoft Exchange Server hotfix resolves the three issues that are mentioned in the "Symptoms" section. This hotfix enables a new editor for Internet Explorer. The new editor uses an Internet Explorer "iframe" instead of an ActiveX control. After you apply hotfix 911829, you are not required to first click in the compose frame in Outlook Web Access before you edit text.

Important For this resolution to work, you must apply the hotfix to both the front-end server and to the back-end server



[不指定 2008/08/05 11:45 | by ipaddr ]
在Java语言中, abstract class 和interface 是支持抽象类定义的两种机制。正是由于这两种机制的存在,才赋予了Java强大的 面向对象能力。abstract class和interface之间在对于抽象类定义的支持方面具有很大的相似性,甚至可以相互替换,因此很多开发者在进行抽象类定义时对于abstract class和interface的选择显得比较随意。其实,两者之间还是有很大的区别的,对于它们的选择甚至反映出对于问题领域本质的理解、对于设计意图的理解是否正确、合理。本文将对它们之间的区别进行一番剖析,试图给开发者提供一个在二者之间进行选择的依据。


[不指定 2008/06/24 16:17 | by ipaddr ]

How to force firefox redraw ( admin.net [at] 163.com)


    var objTemp=document.firstChild;
    if (objTemp)
     //Tom Zhou (admin.net[at]163.com
     objTemp.style.width = objTemp.offsetWidth - 1;
     objTemp.style.width = objTemp.offsetWidth + 1;



zamzar 是一个很牛的在线转换工具,能转换100M以下的到40种格式的文件,包括图象格式、文档格式、音频格式、视频格式等,几乎囊括了我们熟知的所有文件格式,可以自由转换,功能相当不错的了,可以说是一个比较全能的工具了,而且页面简洁易用,速度也很不错!!

Youconvertit 提供堪称最完美的在线文件转换服务,能在线对文档、图片、音频以及视频文件进行转换。能在41种文档格式(常用如html,txt,ppt,doc,pdf,rtf,csv,psd,xls,xhtml,xls等)、85种图片格式(常用如bmp,jpg,gif,tiff,ico,png等)、7种音频格式(aac、aif、aiff、mp3、ra、wav、wma)、11种视频格式(3gp、asf、avi、flv、mov、mp4、mpeg、mpg、rm、swf、wmv)进行相互转换。实在是一项非常不错的服务。

Xurrency 是在线的当前货币兑换查询工具,界面非常简单,选择币种,输入金额即可快速获得目标币种的数额。同时,底部还有一个实时的汇率表,直观的反馈一些主要币种的现时汇率。放在此类有些牵强,对一些朋友会很有用。

[软件介绍]ByteOMeter & NetLimiter

[不指定 2008/05/22 15:07 | by ipaddr ]


一款功能强大的带宽测试和监控软件,它可以测量和显示出你网络的所有流量,可以创建网络上所有计算机的流量的统计表格,测量和显示所有电脑从 Internet 下载和上传的流量,主要功能:
7、安装配置非常简单,支持LAN, WAN, VPN, ADSL, xDSL, Modem, Dial-Up等网络类型,可靠性高


NetLimiter是一款运行在Windows 98/98SE/Me/2000/XP/2003/Vista上的网络流量控制软件。




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