整个地球都知道rdesktop,有了它,我们可以从Solaris或者Linux使用Windows,当然Windows要开启Windows Terminal Service。虽然也有基于GTK+的tsclient做配置,我还是倾向直接使用命令行,不仅因为自己习惯使用console命令窗口,而且命令行可以加入一些非常有用的选项。
./rdesktop -u adam -p adam -f -r clipboard:PRIMARYCLIPBOARD -r disk:sunray=/home/yz161846 MachineName
-u 和 -p: 指定用户名和密码
-f : 默认全屏, 需要用Ctrl-Alt-Enter组合键进行全屏模式切换。
-r clipboard:PRIMARYCLIPBOARD : 这个一定要加上,要不然不能在主机Solaris和服务器Windows直接复制粘贴文字了。贴中文也没有问题。
-r disk:sunray=/home/yz16184 : 指定主机Solaris上的一个目录映射到远程Windows上的硬盘,传送文件就不用再靠Samba或者FTP了。
除了这些常用的选项,rdesktop也支持cdrom, floppy软盘的远程映射,详细可以参考rdesktop命令帮助。
./rdesktop -h
rdesktop程序可以自己从www.rdesktop.org上获取代码编译,非常方便。也可以直接从www.sunfreeware.com 下载一份可执行档。
当然如果你不满意这个开源软件,如果花钱选择像Windows的Remote Connection, 或者Citrix这种商业软件。
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>rdesktop: A Remote Desktop Protocol Client on Linux
rdesktop is an open source client for Windows NT Terminal Server and Windows 2000/2003 Terminal Services, capable of natively speaking Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) in order to present the user's NT desktop. Unlike Citrix ICA, no server extensions are required.
rdesktop currently runs on most UNIX based platforms with the X Window System, and other ports should be fairly straightforward.
rdesktop was initially written by Matthew Chapman based on various scarce documentation, wire sniffs, and trial-and-error. It is released under the GNU Public Licence (GPL). Please send feedback, bug reports and patches to the appropriate mailing list. Patches can also be submitted to the SF patch tracker.
WinConnect Server 当前最新版本是WinConnect Server XP,其开发者博软软件提供了免费试用版供网友们下载,网址是http://www.thinsoftinc.com/download/WinConnect-ServerXP/setup.exe,软件大小为8.40MB。试用版可以全功能使用7天,另外,每个远程工作站只能连接30分钟,30分钟后将自动关闭。
WinConnect Server的安装很简单,只需要一路单击“下一步”即可完成安装。安装完成后,重新启动系统,WinConnect Server即可开始服务。
安装WinConnect Server试用版后,每次启动登录系统时软件都会弹出一个消息框,提醒用户软件的使用期限与工作站的自动关闭时间。此时,你用远程桌面连接来登录该主机,可以发现系统已经不会再像原先那样自动退出登录了。
接下来我们来对WinConnect Server进行一些基本的属性设置,双击程序建立于桌面上的“WinConnect Server XP Control Center”快捷方式,登录WinConnect Server XP的控制台。
WinConnect Server提供了中英文两种语言界面,你可以单击“选项”/“设置语言”,然后在打开的语言选择框中选择你所喜欢的语言界面,默认为中文。
在WinConnect Server控制台中对主机的属性设置极为简单:首先在左侧的主机列表中选择当前主机,如“ZJNU-0000”,单击“动作→属性”,此时程序会将当前主机的服务器信息、服务器设置信息和RDP(远程桌面协议)设置以列表形式显示出来,如图所示。
khtml2png is a command line program to create screenshots of webpages. It uses
libkhtml (the library that is used in the KDE webbrowser Konqueror) and
"convert" from the ImageMagick graphic conversion toolkit.
For running and compiling you need some libraries and tools. You can find the
Debian package names in braces.
* g++
* KDE 3.x
* kdelibs for KDE 3.x (kdelibs4-dev)
* zlib (zlib1g-dev)
* cmake
Introducing informations
Extract the archive with: tar xfvz <file name>
Afterwards check the requirements and install missing development packages.
Compiling and installation
This is done with the usual three steps
1. ./configure
2. make
3. make install
Static file
If you have chosen the precompiled statically linked file you don't need to
install KDE or KDE librariers. Just extract the file with
bunzip2 <file name>
and place it in a directory used for binaries (e.g. /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin).
If you like you can rename the executable.
!!! Make sure the khtml2png2 file is executable (e.g. chmod +x <file name>). !!!
khtml2png2 [options] url outfile
-w, --width <width> Width of canvas on which to render html [800]
-h, --height <height> Height of canvas on which to render html [1000]
-t, --time <time> Maximum time in seconds to spend loading page [30]
--auto <id> Use this option if you to autodetect the bottom/right border []
--disable-js Enable/Disable javascript (enabled by default)
--disable-java Enable/Disable java (enabled by default)
--disable-plugins Enable/Disable KHTML plugins (like Flash player, enabled by default)
--disable-redirect Enable/Disable auto-redirect by header <meta > (enabled by default)
--disable-popupkiller Enable/Disable popup auto-kill (enabled by default)
khtml2png2 --width 800 --height 1000 http://www.kde.org/ kde-org.png
khtml2png --auto ID_border http://www.kde.org/ kde-org.png