How can I set the default domain user profile?
A. Most people are aware that you can set the default base profile on a per-workstation basis by replacing the "C:\Documents and Settings\Default User" folder on each local workstation. However, instead of performing this action on every workstation, you can specify a domainwide default profile. To do so, you need to save the required profile to the domain's Netlogon folder as name "Default User," by performing the following steps:
1. Create a profile that you want to use as the basis for all new users and log off as the user.
2. Log on to the workstation as a domain administrator.
3. Start the System Control Panel applet (Start, Settings, Control Panel, System). Select the Advanced tab. Click Settings in the User Profiles section of the tab. Select the profile you created in the first step and click Copy To.
4. In the "Copy profile to" field, enter a location of \netlogon\default user. In the "Permitted to use" field, click Change and set to Everyone, as the figure shows. Click OK.
5. Click OK to the main User Profiles dialog box, then click OK to the System Properties.
When a new user logs on to a workstation for the first time, he or she will now have a profile based on the default profile stored on the Netlogon share. However, because end users can easily change these default profile settings, you'll typically want to use Group Policy instead of this method to set the mandatory configuration options. Group Policy settings will override attempts by the user to modify the profile settings.