twemproxy (nutcracker) 介绍
[ 2014/07/21 11:28 | by ipaddr ]
twemproxy (pronounced "two-em-proxy"), aka nutcracker is a fast and lightweight proxy for memcached andredis protocol. It was primarily built to reduce the connection count on the backend caching servers.
Ipaddr注: twemproxy的目的不是为了提升性能、容灾,而是为了减少Redis/Memcached的连接数。
- Fast.
- Lightweight.
- Maintains persistent server connections.
- Keeps connection count on the backend caching servers low.
- Enables pipelining of requests and responses.
- Supports proxying to multiple servers.
- Supports multiple server pools simultaneously.
- Shard data automatically across multiple servers.
- Implements the complete memcached ascii and redis protocol.
- Easy configuration of server pools through a YAML file.
- Supports multiple hashing modes including consistent hashing and distribution.
- Can be configured to disable nodes on failures.
- Observability through stats exposed on stats monitoring port.
- Works with Linux, *BSD, OS X and Solaris (SmartOS)