If you are operating on Windows now,you can try following steps to install ubuntu 9.10.
1.Download ubuntu karmic iso image from
Download the latest grub4dos from here
2.Extract grldr and meun.lst from grub4dos package to root directory of C:. Copy and paste the iso image into root directory of C:\
3.Extract initrd.lz and vmlinuz from ubuntu9-10.iso/casper/ to root directory of C:(C:\initrd.lz,C:\vmlinuz).
4.Edit menu.lst by notebook,copy and paste following into the file.

timeout 5 default 0 title Ubuntu 9.10 install root (hd0,0) kernel /vmlinuz boot=casper iso-scan/filename=/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso ro quiet splash initrd /initrd.lz

change ubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso to the iso filename you downloaded.
5.Edit C:\boot.ini,add this line to the end:

c:\grldr="Ubuntu 9.10"

6.Restart,select boot from Ubuntu 9.10.You will get into ubuntu just like boot up with live-CD

1. Ubuntu12也可以采用类似方式从硬盘安装
2. 如果已安装一键Ghost,系统中已安装了Grub4Dos,可以直接修改C:\dosh\ghos的menu.lst
3. 如果安装过程中出现无法卸载/isodevice目录时,可以用Ctrl+Alt+F1切到命令行,umount -l /isodevice卸载后,再用Alt + F7回到图形界面继续安装。

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